Sales formats

In Agromillora we provide plants with sales formats adapted to the technological and health innovation demands of the fruit sector.

We have the ROOTPAC rootstock series, the MICROGRAFT series micrografts (for which we offer many combinations of species and varieties according to our customers’ needs) and the SMARTTREE series, a format that together with ROOTPAC dwarfing rootstocks, are ideal for super high density olive and fruit plantations. In Spain, we market the most extensive range of VCR vine plants, a world leader in production with more than 4,000 combinations of rootstock–variety–clone.

We are currently developing the Smarttree format for fruit crops for industry and citrus, among others.

As leaders in in–vitro multiplication and thanks to our 9 laboratories worldwide, we can tackle any new species multiplication project worldwide.

Agromillora commercial formats


Rootpac Rootstock


Micrograft Fruit tree micrograft


VCR Vineyard plant


Smarttree Olive trees for the super high density system

Smarttree Almond trees for the super high density system

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