QA Lab
At Agromillora, we prioritize excellence in everything we do. To uphold this commitment, we established the Quality Assurance Lab in Oregon, USA- a state-of-the-art facility dedicated to the molecular analysis and evaluation of plant health and quality.
The QA Lab is equipped to perform plant health analyses to detect a wide range of viruses, bacteria, oomycetes, and fungi.
Genetic testing is conducted using simple sequence repeat (SSR) microsatellite markers to ensure accurate identification of a plant's identity.
The QA Lab goal is to ensure the genetic integrity and health of plant material by conducting genetic and phytosanitary molecular testing.
Our testing serves as quality control at various stages of the production process.
- Diagnosis of plant pathogens.
- Genetic characterization of propagated material.
- Consultations on pest and disease management.
Our lab combines state-of-the-art technology with the expertise of our skilled technicians, employing the latest advancements in plant pathology and genetic analysis.
The QA Lab's mission is to ensure the quality of our plant material through molecular analysis testing.
The QA Lab is an essential resource for diagnosing diseases and confirming identifications throughout our production process.
We provide unique codes to every plant sample submitted and will keep the plant lysate for 1 year in our library.
If the reference you seek to compare your samples to is not in the QA Lab library, you can submit it at no cost to you.
The QA Lab conducts over 90 plant health determinations for a variety of crops and maintains a database of over 200 genetic profiles of the most propagated varieties.
We conduct our work in accordance with USDA APHIS PPQ regulations and hold PPQ 526 and 588 permits for the international import of various crops for testing
- ACLSV: Apple Chlorotic Leafspot Virus
- ADFVd: Apple Dimple Fruit Viroid
- AGCaV: Apple Green Crinkle-associated Virus
- AHVd1: Apple Hammerhead Viroid set 1
- AHVd2: Apple Hammerhead Viroid set 2
- ALV: Apple Luteovirus 1
- ApMV: Apple Mosaic Virus
- ARWV1: Apple Rubbery Wood Virus 1
- ARWV2: Apple Rubbery Wood Virus 2
- ASBVd: Avocado Sunblotch Viroid
- ASGV: Apple Stem Grove Virus
- ASPV: Apple Stem Pitting Virus
- ASSVd: Apple Scar Skin Viroid
- BCRV: Blackberry Chlorotic Ringspot Virus
- BFDaV: Blueberry Fruit Drop Virus
- BIMaV1: Blueberry Mosaic Virus
- BLMaV: Blackberry Latent Mosaic-associated Virus
- BLMV: Blueberry Leaf Mottle Virus
- BlScV: Blueberry Scorch Virus
- BIShV: Blueberry Shock Virus
- BLSV: Blueberry Spherical Virus
- BNRBV: Blueberry Necrotic Ring Blotch Virus
- BRNV: Black Raspbery Necrosis Virus
- BRRSV: Blueberry Red Ringspot Virus
- BSSV: Blueberry Shoestring Virus
- BYVaV: Blackberry Yellow Vein-associated Virus
- CCGaV: Citrus Concave Gum-associated Virus
- CEVd: Citrus Exocortis Viroid
- CGRMV: Cherry Green Ring Mottle Virus
- CLRV: Cherry Leaf Roll Virus
- CMLV: Cherry Mottle Leaf Virus
- CMV: Cucumber mosaic virus
- CNRMV: Cherry Necrotic Rusty Mottle Virus
- CoRSV: Coffee Ringspot Virus
- CPsV: Citrus Psorosis Virus
- CRLV: Cherry Rasp Leaf Virus
- CTLaV: Citrus Twisted Leaf-associated Virus
- CTV: Citrus Tristeza Virus
- CVA: Cherry Virus A
- GfkV: Grapevine Fleck Virus
- GFLV: Grapevine Fanleaf Virus
- GLRaV1: Grapevine Leafroll-associated Virus 1
- GLRaV2: Grapevine Leafroll-associated Virus 2
- GLRaV3: Grapevine Leafroll-associated Virus 3
- GVA: Grapevine Virus A
- GVB: Grapevine Virus B
- HSVd: Hop Stunt Viroid
- LChV1: Little Cherry Virus1
- LChV2: Little Cherry Virus 2
- PBCVd: Pear Blister Canker Viroid
- PDV: Prune Dwarf Virus
- PLMVd: Peach Latent Mosaic Viroid
- PMV: Peach Mosaic Virus
- PNRSV: Prunus Necrotic Ringspot Virus
- PPV: Plum Pox Virus
- RBDV: Raspberry Bushy Dwarf Virus
- RLMV: Raspberry leaf mottle virus
- RVCV: Raspberry vein chlorosis virus
- RYNV: Rubus Yellow Net Virus
- SCV: Strawberry Crinkle Virus
- SLRSV: Strawberry Latent Ringspot Virus
- SMoV: Strawberry Mottle Virus
- SMYEV: Strawberry Mild Yellow Edge Virus
- STMoV: Satellite Tobacco Mosaic Virus
- TBRV: Tomato Black Ring Virus
- ToRSV: Tomato Ringspot Virus
- TRSV: Tobacco ringspot virus (Nepovirus)
- Agro: Agrobacterium spp
- BlSP: Blueberry Stunt Phytoplasma
- Ea: Erwinia amylovora (fireblight)
- HLB: Huanglongbing (Citrus Greening)
- Pss: Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae
- Psv: Peudomonas savastanoi pv. savastanoi
- RuS: Raspberry Stunt Phytoplasma
- Xap: Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni (ABC/Xap)
- Xap 2: Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni (Xop E3)
- Xcc: Xanthomonas citri (citrus canker)
- XDP: X-Disease Phytoplasma
- Xf: Xylella fastidiosa
- ApScab: Apple Scab
- CalPs: Calonectria pseudonaviculata (boxwood blight)
- CoRust: Coffee Leaf Rust
- CoW: Coffee Wilt (Gibberlla xylarioides/Fusarium xylarioides)
- CPH: Coffee Leaf Blight
- Dmil: Downy Mildew (P. sparsa, rubi)
- Fus: Fusarium spp
- Ndit: Neonectria ditissima (Apple canker)
- Phytophthora spp (Root rots)
- Pir: Pythium irregulare
- Pul: Pythium ultimum var. ultimum
- Pv: Pythium vexans
- RhSol: Rhizoctonia solani
- Vd: Verticillium dahliae
- BlSP: Blueberry Stunt Phytoplasma
- Phytophthora spp
- MLOs: Phytoplasma spp
- RuS: Raspberry Stunt Phytoplasma
- XDP: X-Disease Phytoplasma