Sustainability Strategy

We’ve carried out an analysis and review of the significance of material issues using a double materiality value-impact methodology, where we evaluate the sustainability issues that influence the company’s value (of particular relevance for investors, capital markets, and creditors). We also assess the impacts on the economy, the environment, and individuals.

The material issues identified for each strategic pillar are the following:

Of the 4 strategic pillars set for Agromillora, we’ve captured the results of the evaluation in the following Double-materiality map:

Regarding material issues, we’re determining their coverage (location and involvement in the identified impacts) and the different management approaches of each material issue, determining policies, commitments, objectives and goals, the responsible parties, resources, specific actions and performance, etc.

This way, we’re building our sustainability strategy by covering the fundamental aspects and the relevant stakeholders according to GRI.

These are the pillars on which our commitment to sustainability is built


Protecting the environment is essential for us

It couldn’t be any other way

Social Commitment

Our Commitment to the Company and Society

At Agromillora, we understand that business ethics, compliance with regulations, and conduct that is respectful of people and the environment where we operate are essential for sustainable business growth.

We are committed to society and our environment and to continue to build a company that we can all be proud of, not only because of the results we get but because of how we get them.

Responsible Management

Agromillora strives to ensure integrity, which we understand to be diligent, transparent, responsible behavior with our shareholders, employees, clients, suppliers, and the various agents involved in our activity.

Products and Value Chain

At Agromillora, we’re committed to developing a responsible supply chain covering social, ethical, and environmental aspects, and we ensure the Sustainability and Safety of our products