DemoAlmendro 2022: The benchmark European event on innovation in almond trees in Super High Density system
DemoAlmendro-2022 has been a technical open day organized by ISFA, Olint/Agromillora and Tierras/Interempresas, developed during 28th and 29th July 2022 in ISFA’s “La Copa” farm located in Logrosán (Extremadura, Spain). Addressed to growers, technicians, advisors, retailers, operation managers and the whole people involved in the chain value of almond, from the field and processing industry to the consumer. With 1,700 people attending room sessions and field exhibitions, has been the largest and successful session never held on almond in Europe.
The sessions were mainly developed in round table format with specific/oriented topics each to be discussed for expert speakers. Some of them were: how the Iberian industry can compete/complement the Californian almonds, the vision from California (Almond Board of California) and Australia (Almond Board of Australia), sustainability & carbon footprint and benefits for growers and environment, efficiency in almond production: a paradigm for new investors, new technologies for efficient production, successful experiences in almond production, what the almond industry needs and is looking for?, example of one of the largest project of almond in Spain and Portugal: presenting the new processing facilities of ISFA in Miajadas (Cáceres, Extremadura). During the two afternoons short communications of 10 minutes each were presented by 20 of the companies participating in the field demo or sponsoring the event.

The field exhibitions and demo included more than 20 innovations from the nursery production, planting projects, innovation in mechanization of pruning and harvest, plant nutrition, fertirrigation 4.0, new equipment’s for plant protection, new processing technologies, remote sensing, etc. All these demos were carried in “La Copa” farm accounting 140 ha SHD almond orchard cultivar ‘Avijor’ grated on Rootpac-20 rootstock and planted in June 2020. The interest on ‘DemoAlmendro’ was huge and unexpected, as demonstrated by the participation of 69 companies as sponsors. DemoAlmendro-2022 has been for the first time in history, the European reference for the whole industry of almond: from growers to consumers.
You can find full program here.